Femdom Blog

Inspired by Donald Trump’s Fun Mode

I’m inspired by Donald Trump. Not by any of his jobs, titles, or certainly not by any of his businesses… but rather for how much fun he’s having with life.

It took him 39 minutes this morning—39 freaking minutes—to not only get the Colombian President to change his stance/threats issued in the same hour, but also to send his own presidential plane to resolve the situation. And then, Trump had the wit to, at the same time, make a photo of himself as a Mafia boss.

I mean, come ON… how fucking great is that?


Boss Mode Meets Fun Mode

To be the president of one of the most powerful countries in the world… and then take the time to make an image of oneself as a Mafia boss… and then post it? That’s as much boss mode as it is fun mode.

Other than Boston Rob in his time on Survivor, no other person has constantly been two steps ahead of the competition for so long.


Global Recognition Through Outrageousness

My grandmother—who has never had a phone, never had internet in her house, pays no attention to the news, and lives even more remotely than I do (if that’s even possible)—knows who Donald Trump is because she heard him say, “I’m gonna build a wall” all those years ago.

If you have that much reach just from outrageous statements, then you’re forcing everybody to have an opinion about you in even the most unlikely corners of the world. And that’s what he did: he leveraged the power of social media back when Twitter was spreading bad news, fake news, and propaganda—and used it to his advantage to get elected. Just brilliant.

He took Muhammad Ali’s idea of making every person have an opinion—good or bad, it didn’t matter, only the reach was important—and elevated it to a level that only the 2010s could have provided.


Adapting to Changing Times

Then, to show he’s still two steps ahead of whatever that other dumb-as-nails party is called, he knew NOT to do the same thing again because social media had changed dramatically. Instead, he used the new medium—podcasts—to get elected.

While Kamala Harris was going on all the old media’s channels that nobody was listening to anymore, Trump went on Joe Rogan’s podcast and reached tens of millions. YouTube even tried to take his video down from the trending list so it couldn’t be found for a day. And then, while Kamala got ALL of Hollywood to come out with “Vote for Kamala” messages just before the election (thinking that Hollywood was still relevant), Trump had Elon Musk go on the same podcast and got even more views. Just brilliance.

Yeah, he’s a bit of a cartoon character, but the tactics are brilliant.


Hollywood’s Self-Destruction

mafia wael webHollywood started pushing THE MESSAGE on everybody during the COVID days. You know what I think? In film schools and business schools 20 years from now, this era of mismanagement will be studied as THE worst example of how to run a business in the history of mankind.

Hollywood didn’t just destroy movies—they destroyed every single successful franchise. Every single one. To the point now where they are going to take 5-10 years off from making any Star Wars content because nobody wants to watch it anymore. Same with Indiana Jones—they destroyed the whole franchise.

Then Marvel, with the worst yet to come as 2025 will be remembered as the year Marvel died… starting with Captain America on Valentine’s Day—without Captain America in it. That’s like making a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup product with neither peanut butter nor chocolate in it. Insane decision.

Then they destroyed The Lord of the Rings. Now, Star Trek. Nobody will ever watch a Star Trek movie or series again after Section 31. You know how much I love Michelle Yeoh, but my gosh, why did she choose to do Section 31?

The wildfire that destroyed all the Hollywood homes—to me—was symbolic of how they self-destroyed all their most profitable franchise products. Now they have to push out films they know nobody will watch. Woke Snow White follows Captain African-American America.

And Trump knows this.

Outsmarting the Old Media

He let all the actors and actresses who think they’re still as relevant as they were in the ’80s and ’90s go and tell the world how they thought people should vote. LOL. At the same time, he used the new media—the relevant media—podcasts—to win.

Now he’s offering all the homeless actors with no movies to shoot (because Hollywood is in shock and new movie projects are down 40% year over year) an olive branch by making them all go to the White House and bend the knee before him. A hahaha. Such a Mistress-like move.

“Stop making woke movies, ASSHOLES!” LOL. I just love it from an entertainment point of view.



Non-American Movies Take the Lead

I sit here watching my awesome Korean and Japanese movies, scrolling through the top 10 movies on Netflix, Apple TV, and HBO Max, and… none of them are American-made. Maybe, on the odd occasion, there might be one American movie as the #10 most-watched.

That used to be all USA-made shows. We worshipped Hollywood—especially during those COVID lockdowns. But I can tell you, nobody here even cares about what Hollywood churns out nowadays. And the funny thing is, until last year, Hollywood thought the whole world still cared.


Comedy and Perspective

That Trump saw all this unfolding and used it to his advantage was just brilliant. I mean, any other person running for office so close to election day would have mistakenly gone out and found the remaining Hollywood actors who supported him to make counter-commercials.

And then today—with the Mafia tweet. OMG, I just love reading the news and seeing how much fun he’s having.

Given where I live, I don’t dare talk about our politics. But even we wouldn’t dare try to pass off a clone for a Prime Minister or deepfake an interview with new answers—thinking we can get away with that in 2024-2025.

What did George Carlin say? Let me find it for you:

“When you’re born into this world, you’re given a ticket to the freak show. If you’re born in America, you get a front-row seat.”



I’m just doing the note-taking bit he acts out. Like this morning, I did exactly the “OMG… did you see what he just… OMG” thing George acted out. It’s a comedy show.


Living a Different Life

By moving here, to the middle of nowhere (and now that some of my subscribers know where I’m talking about and realize just how remote I live), I too divorced myself from Bangkok. Divorced myself from material possessions. Divorced myself from squishing into the BTS Skytrain like a flattened sardine in a sardine can, my face smushed against the window of the door, smelling the breath of the people three inches to my left and right, and having to wait for four passing trains to finally get my turn to be a sardine.

I can’t imagine what it’s like to sit in a car in traffic and drive an hour to work every morning—a trip that should take 12 minutes at most—and then have to do it all over again eight hours later to go back home. And then to do that five days a week. That’s wild. Just to say you own a house.

No, you don’t own a house—the bank owns the house. Oh, you might own it 40 years from now after making 40 years of mortgage payments… just in time to die, not having had fun your whole life, and leaving it all to your siblings. For what?


My Offer to You

And you wonder why my inbox is filled now with 102 applications to leave that all behind and come live in my femdom house to learn what a simple life of fealty to me is like… how cleansing it is.

So here is me doing my own Donald Trump Mafia girl impression:

I’m gonna make you an offer you can’t refuse: Come bend the knee to me. Change your life.


Mistress Wael  🙂

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