Yesterday 2 men i talk with in my Line App on my mobile — 2 different men even — said i am not a girl, i am a Vampire. Ya Merry Xmas to you to guys haha 555 So if i am so bad, so evil, such a ‘crazy bitch’ the first guy called me, and that i ‘attack and kill’ while being a ‘naughty devil’ — then why do they keep calling me every day? Am i such a drug for men? I must be because this morning i have a new record for how many men sent me and SMS while i was sleeping — 424 !!! Well honest it is probably not 424 different men, some will …
‘Hey baby do you wanna eat some sausage tonight?’ One guy texts me on my Line. ‘Can.. if you can take the pain when i bite it. Lol . i answer him. For one year people are saying in my sessions that I am Jaa’s sister, Jaa’s twin, or a copy of Jaa. I am a lot of things to her and i respect her because she brought me into this lifestyle but i am not a copy of her. I am who i am . You know something about a storm? When Storm coming everything so quiet, no sign but when they come they destroy everything and you can’t stop it .. my moods are like that . Actually today i have …