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Specific Stories About: 'Tease & Denial'

Femdom Sine Wave : Describing my best technique of controlling men as being like a sine wave. By Mistress Wael   First of all, please don’t think I know a whole lot about sine waves.  I don’t.  It’s just that I was having this chat on my Loyalfans Femdom Blog with a subscriber and was trying to describe to him not only how I control men so easily but why they enjoy it so much than they do with any other Mistress they have been with. It was him who said “oh, so like a sine wave then huh?” and he had to explain to me what a sine wave was for the next 20 minutes ok. But he is …


As a Temptress, my goal is twofold.  Not only am I out to entice you but being somewhat of a devilish Temptress I’m also looking for ways to send your FemDom session spiraling out of control on your own volition. Have you ever watched a movie that started off great and had you melting into the screen right from the get-go, only to go severely off the rails somewhere around the middle and leave you scratching your head as to how the film ended up being such a train wreck by the end?  Heh, pretty much every single Star Wars movie or episode since Kathleen Kennedy took over Disney, right? Well that is exactly what I try to make happen …

teacher-teacher femdom

Can you cum before I count to 10?  Do you know what the consequences are if you fail?  Perhaps you think it’s a slam-dunk , too easy of a challenge?  Well I believe, from what I’ve witnessed so far, is that the pressure to orgasm in such a limited time all but guarantees the slave will fail.  Let me explain the rules of this variation on Mistress Wael’s ’20’ game and why it’s so daunting a challenge. First, let’s go over Mistress Wael’s “20” Tease & Denial game , a gauntlet that she makes her slave suffer through nearly every session that involves cock edging.   The 20 Game After Mistress Wael or I have tied you to the bed …

Mistress Wael

My ( Mistress Wael ) Four Hour Tease & Denial for beginners to Femdom continues , this is part two of a four part series and covers the 5pm to 6pm part of his four hour ordeal.  You can see part one of the video and read about it here in case you missed it. The video starts off with me looking for my bdsm backpack of toys which normally I keep in the bathroom because that is where I wash everything I use after the last session and I know I’m lazy to bring the bag to the table beside the sliding door.  But this time that is where it was. Mistress Wael’s Four Hour Tease Video  | Part …

Four Hour Tease Mistress Wael

Four Hour Tease Sessions are coming back one day.  Maybe late this year or maybe sometime next year.   But they will come back.  When they do I will be more than ready because I have changed a lot since last March.  Probably the most I ever changed in life was these 14 months. One thing that changed a lot is my vocabulary for English started to explode … finally after 7 years.  Because we shoot for onlyfans from 4pm to 8pm every day I get to speak English 4 hours every afternoon.  At night because there is nowhere to go thank you to covid I video chat with my girlfriend living in France.  So that is 5 or 6 hours …

Xanax Tease & Denial means that I always wanted to  find out  if I can make a slave cum when he is passed out sleeping.   I don’t mean sleeping and he knows I am playing with his cock and he wakes up a little bit but is sleepy.  I mean out cold. So I made my slave walk four hours around and around the condo from noon to 4pm when it is crazy hot.  Got him super tired. Then … hot hot shower for a long long time.   To make him calm down and sleepy. But that is just ok to make him sleep deep.  How to make him out cold? For that I had to go to a friend …


Tease & Denial | Butterflies Why do I do this? Going on 8 years as a Mistress now , why am I still in the game?  One word answer: butterflies. I love making men feel alive again, like they did when they were a teenager out on a first date … heart pounding, unsure of what to say or do , not knowing how touching will be construed , but feeling ever so alive inside. What I do – seduction – I choose to do these sessions with you in the sexiest way imaginable because that gives you butterflies.     Below the surface there is another reason too. I use absolute seduction to control and manipulate you. Because if …

When it comes to effective edging , the eyes have it. I’m edging you ,  and  you’ve been  on the brink of eruption for  minutes, or was it  hours?  You truly don’t  remember and you know  why? Because  your  cock and  my hand stroking it have for  the  longest  time  become something secondary , like  the  crashing  waves of  an ocean obscurred by a dense fog. Instead,  your focus is my eyes.     I want  you  to feel as if I have inside me a soul that is just too big for me.    It’s filled me to the brim until  there was no more space , so its flowing through  my eyes  instead. That might be too much  …

Leg Lockdown Jiu Jitsu Tease & Denial Femdom

Leg Lockdown. I wanted to talk about my #1 trick for human toilet training today.   But the only slave who will do the photo and video of my technique is in Phuket so I have to wait. Ok so.   Let me to talk to you about a Jiu Jitsu move I use in my Tease & Denial sessions. First let me show you what it is.    And then why I use it.   And finally how I use it.   Leg Lockdown for Tease & Denial My favourite classes in Jiu Jitsu – the classes they teach a move and I think “yes I  can use that in my sessions!” Leg Triangles I use for our play wrestling. Feet on …


Post Orgasm Techniques.  To learn from myself I watched all my videos yesterday.   Took all day. And I was mad at myself. “Why in my videos I don’t focus on my post orgasm techniques and instead I just stop filming?” Not  good.   I  have to fix that. Because I focus so much on post-orgasm techniques in every session I do … not only the Tease & Denial sessions. I have so many things I do. So let  me explain to you first – why post-orgasm part of the session is SO important.  And after …  I will explain some of the techniques I use to help  you understand. “Some” not “all” my techniques.  If I write for 1 week I …