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Specific Stories About: 'Femdom Blog'

“Rat – A – Tat – Tat , Rat – A – Tat – Tat” it begins again.  Like clockwork at 7:30am,  just when I’ve laid down to sleep as my vampire nocturnal alarm clock says I should do , the neighbor’s drilling into my bedroom wall and by extension into my brain starts once more.  It’s been like this every morning for a solid two weeks, a two week trek into insanity without sleep.  Which is bad enough but seeing as it’s come close on the heels of my battle with the flu in mid-January I had started to feel that I had gone the better part of a month without any rest whatsoever. I have but one solitary pillow so …

snape bdsm femdom

The first two weeks of 2015 , for me anyways , have been about death or more specifically – cancer. I don’t know David Bowie either from his movies or his music as it was before my time.   The first time I came across him was in the movie Labyrinth and even then I barely took notice as I watched it just to see the beginning of Jennifer Connelly’s acting career. With regards to Alan Rickman though , I am greatly saddened by his passing as in my heart he owns one of the character roles which is truly unforgettable.  I think for each of us there are particular movies that we never forget no matter how popular or obscure they …

Powerball Poverty

Poverty is solvable. It’s just that whether it be in USA, here, or wherever, the people who have money don’t want it solved. I do.     I can tell you right now that without a doubt, that is exactly what I would do if I won that crazy USA Powerball lottery. I”m pretty sure I can get by just fine living off the interest of 4 million dollars invested in 2% bonds for the rest of my life just fine. Do you know what the result of me doing that would be? Well for one, every person would be able to live off a base salary of $80,000 per year, or 2.4 million baht. And secondly, this …   …


If you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it’s not because they enjoy solitude. It’s because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them. I’ve added this song to my playlist as I’ve been listening it to it endlessly throughout the soul wrenching holidays. The original version, berift of emotion, doesn’t make me cry. This one does.       My session yesterday went a long way to restoring my faith that not all men are destined to disappoint. Still, these are my feelings …     Hello darkness, my old friend I’ve come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while I was sleeping …

greatest shit story every told scat ass to mouth

I’m kind of torn whether I should respect the truly horrible things that happened to this guy and keep what happened between me and him or write the story for the simple fact that the events that transpired were truly unbelievable and a story like that has to be told. I was at The Comedy Club a couple of nights ago, having been invited by a Japanese friend that I went to school with oversees a long while ago, and though that venue wouldn’t have been my first choice to go to (or my 100th for that matter) it was really nice to go out with one of the last guys I can remember who was truly my friend and would never …

butt plug superhero

Everybody’s talking about my Butt Plug I got my butt plug.  I got my butt plug on. Everybody’s looking at my butt plug.  I got my butt plug.  I got my butt plug on. I’m the only one in town with a butt plug.  I got my butt plug.  I got my butt plug on. No one else around is wearing a butt plug.  I got my butt plug.  I got my butt plug on. I can swing my arms.  I can say I’m brave. I can dance down the street knowing I’m the only slave that’s wearing a butt plug. And I’m the only one.   That song sums up the perspective of all you guys who feel you’re …

femdom watersports jaa4u wael

So how can drinking piss knock someone out cold, unconscious, stiffer than Jimmy Hoffa?  The story behind that session is my personal favorite from this year but I’m going to rank it third so you guys get to read the two most sexy ones as numbers one and two.  This one was wasn’t sexy at all, but it could have made a good Three Stooges episode. What’s the recipe for such a disaster?  Well you need a hesitant guy first of all, one who pathologically insists that he just wants a little taste of pee, to the tune of 10 times per email … Hi, Supreme Goddess! I would have sent you a reply earlier but I was worried what …


200 kilograms of volumous, disgusting life-destroying fat … think about it, that is the same weight of two large men.  For 5 men, I’ve been the inspiration in their lives to collectively shed 200 kg of mass that had prevented them from being the man they were meant to be.  Now not all of my sessions have been winners this year, there have been some stinkers for sure and even some sessions that I ended just as soon as they began, so they haven’t all been perfect.  But I’m thrilled that in every instance where the person seeing me has been obese I can say that without a doubt I’ve touched each of those guys lives in a way that …

red fish blue fish

It is strange to be known so universally, and yet to be so lonely. Silent night, holy night … well for me – silent for sure as I sit here listening to the only sound in my condo, a rhythmic dropping of water from the kitchen sink to keep me company.  There is no other time of year that slaps me across the face harder, reminding me every second of this torturous two week holiday break just how lonely the lifestyle of a mistress is. Actually I misspoke. “How lonely the lifestyle of this mistress is”  I should say as I speak only for myself and not anyone else to be certain.  There are no friends houses for me to …


“What the fuck is she doing?” I could see that expression written all over Dieter’s eyes which – when compounded by the fact that my eyes had the exact same expression showed in unison that there was something very wrong going on in the session he had booked with me and the original Mistress Jaa.  That was December 8th of last year, and after a turbulent week thereafter, Mistress Jaa officially finally succumbed to the pressure that 5 years of being Head Mistress for had brought on and did the right thing by stepping down. I don’t say it was the right thing because it benefited me.  Taking over for her was more of an act of taking the …
