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Specific Stories About: 'Femdom Related'
onlyfans ass

This story is outdated.  I have now moved to loyalfans.   They cunts at OF kicked me off, stole $1000 of my money and all with no warning.  They didn’t like the fact I was writing sexy femdom stories on my blog page. Loyalfans allows all my videos and photos without question.  It’s a better interface.  Should have started with them in the first place.   My OnlyFans site is up and running :   .   It’s  $20 / month.   I’m posting multiple times daily.  Plus live online domination.    This story is  going  to explain the how’s and why’s of what I’m trying to provide you and accomplish. That I’m writing again, and posting to onlyfans daily,  means I can …


Who am I? That’s not a rhetorical question for you,  its a self-reflective inquisition of myself. If I look at the bright side of things – and god knows that’s been hard to do this month – I could step back and say that I’m just maturing from the mid 20’s girl I was when I started writing for this site to the “not quite” mid 30’s woman I am now , and with time has come a decade of change that makes me wince at who I was , right up to about a year ago. Now some might say it took this cancer in my chest to bring about change but in truth its been this whole last …

femdom stories domina wael

3 months.  0 sessions.  And I am still alive.  Wow. Not only that … I feel better and stronger and way more sexy than me in March. In March I was 65 kg.   Today I hit 59kg  …  yes down 6kg. Why?  How?   I learned a new English word lately … budget.  How to budget 500 baht to last one month for food.  Actually I learn a lot of new english word lately and it really fuck up my Thai. 2 example. Yesterday I went to buy mint from across the street the girl sale all the vegetebles on her cart.  I had no idea anymore how to say mint in Thai.   I kept saying “mint,  mint,  mint”  to …

PussySlave Shhh

I was trying to  read, but the damn thing kept looking  at me out of  the corner of it’s eye.  I  can tell when I’m being eyeballed  –  call  it  a  Mistress’s sixth sense. No  matter  how much of  my  body – dressed head  to toe in stockings and Domina attire – I partook  to  cover  up ,  still I  was being incessently eyeballed. “Alright” I  said,  slamming my “Pandemics for Dummies” book on the sofa and watched  it  bounce twice  like a  rock  skipping  across a  lake  before  landing upside  down  and open faced  on  the linoleum  floor. I struted toward it , pushing my cleavage –  which was aching to  burst from within the tight latex top it  …

last femdom slave standing

There’s been a hell of  a lot of scratchin’ pussy  going on around here lately. The question I’ve been asked the most , daily , is ‘how are ya hanging in through this Covid thing?’ and the answer I’ve given time after time makes you guys squirm in your pants and scream  in  frustration no doubt. I’m fucking horny. Every … single … available … white … cock  has fled the city. Leaving me to sit  on the  sofa  here with two fingers of my left  hand burried inside my ‘puss all day  long as I do  things  on the  computer with  the right hand. I shit  you not  …  I cum about 10 times a day now.   It …


Covid-19 ,  if I’m wrong,  then this  viral spread will appear severe,  but in reality will only last a few months ,  and slowly but surely everything will return to a somewhat normal state at first  –  and eventually we’ll return to life as we once knew it with nothing much changing. Fuck. If I’m right though  …. IF I’m right …. then this is a necessary planetary culling , one that will wipe out a significant % of the global population and will cause society to hit a reset button of sorts.    But on the other side lays a better humanity.   After all,  I’m already seeing  better behaviour in all sorts of men and women. Since I have …


Last Sunday I finished my 200th Tinder date since January 1st of this year. Some might call that excessive. I call it a thorough examination of  man’s behaviour patterns.   This isn’t going to be a horny ‘grab your dick’ kind of story but rather an interspective of not only how I’ve changed so much this year as a Mistress but also a good snapshot of how my brain is currently wired a fortnight before my 3rd European Femdom Vacation. It’s also surely going to piss a few of the alpha males off who read me on a regular basis.  It’ll definitely leave some with a “who the fuck are you to treat us men like that” kind of taste …


“It’s just embarrassing, that’s what it is.  I mean, there’s no way a girl should even consider telling me what to do and there’s actaally no way I’d obey.  So listen, I’ll be here when you’re ready to date a real guy, but first … you’ll have to stop being a girl like that.” This, written to me by an ESL teacher who’s chances with me were fading quicker than LeBron James’ hairline having being rebuked in twenty two consecutive emails , is a microcosm of the attitudes pervasive throughout most men looking to date in this city. That he went on to call me a prostitute one sentence later and then ended that email by verbally “leaving the door …

my painting

Waiting for a femdom session worthy of a blog post is much like fly fishing where most of the time you’re casting your lure and nothin’ bites , nada, zilch.  You guys would have more fun smelling your ball sack than doin’ what I do day in / day out , however …. Once the line jerks though and the fish is on , oh it’s on like grey poupon … meaning shit’s about to get exciting. Case in point, this story about Joey the Fish – not his real name but close enough for jazz , as it begins with a J and hey it rhymes as well – so figure it out. The fish part is true enough …

Fuck Board | A Mistress’s Sex Tool

Being my Fuck Board is a job you think you’re ready for , but truly you’re not. I was trying to relate to you last story that I perceive a man’s dick to be this wonderful toy that unfortunately comes attached to a man’s body … and with it this misconceived notion that it’s there for a man to pleasure a woman with. It’s there for the woman to use, without regard for any feelings whatsoever. Which could mean that if I’m not particularly horny one month , it doesn’t get used at all.  Which is why I love chastity so much because it teaches the man to remove pleasure from the equation when considering the purpose of his dick.  …
