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Specific Stories About: 'Femdom Related'
Mistress Wael bangkok mistress

All men in general have this shared fantasy about finding a perfectly innocent yet somewhat homely looking girl that no other man has discovered yet , who is like a diamond in the rough – for when polished with the right makeup , new clothes , alluring hairstyle , she suddenly blossoms into a stunning princess before their eyes.  Then of course they’ll take such rare pristine beauty and bang the hell out of her much the same way a cat pisses on a dumpster to claim it’s territory, but hey that’s men for ya. Such a girl exists , in fact she’s standing right behind me as I write this , blow drying her hair to look pretty for …

Not Perfectly Thai | Perfect None-the-Less

I could tell instantly from the look of horror written across my masseuses eyes that the first thing she had seen on me as I turned over to lay on my back was the massive black and blue morass that infested both my shins.  It concerned her so much that she delicately avoided the area entirely as her massage progressed from my feet up towards my thighs.  At last she couldn’t take it any longer I guess and she meekly whispered so as to be barely audible by anyone else but us : “You shouldn’t let him hit you like that.  Take it from me , I would leave him tonight, right now.”  To which my immediate response was simply, …

ps i love you

What would be your superhero power?   Invisibility?  Teleportation? Suppose your ability, if granted, was flawed, like … The ability to run blindingly fast but without the ability to stop?  lol I don’t need one for I’ve been granted one at birth and that is the ability to make men say “I Love You” to me.  Well maybe not at birth as I was pretty freaking ugly until I came back to Thailand at 24yo , and even then I haven’t really blossomed into a swan until just the past two and a half years.  If you consider that I do about 500 sessions per year, I’m able to seduce on average 50% of all men just enough in those short two …

medium is the message

In my last blog story, in referring to Donald Trump running for president, I said “if he’s doing what I hope he’s doing, I’d vote for him because it’s brilliant.”  Since I’ve said that I’ve had a landslide of emails and sms bugging me to elaborate on what I meant by that. Ok, truth be told, 5 of you asked, but I ask … does not 5 rocks falling down a mountain technically qualify as a landslide?  I say it does, and besides I needed justification to write more about it and tell you how it relates to my sessions.  Deep intellectual shit coming, go get some broccoli and munch on it for brain power, you’ll need it if you’re …

superhero mistress

“You’re where?  In Bangkok , as in , right now you’re in Bangkok?  and you’re dropping by in a few minutes?” That’s me talking to two of my last remaining single girlfriends on Friday as they dropped the bomb on me that they’re in town and looking to finalize their wedding plans with me, something which I can’t say no to seeing as though I’m both their bridesmaids for their dual March weddings.  Perhaps they could sense the trepidation in my voice even though I took a deep breath before continuing on with the conversation. “Yes, that’s, that’s just fine” I said as I curled up my lip and looked regrettably at the four dildos boiling in the pot on my …

drag queen femdom jaa4u

Hi Goddess How are you doing? Apologies for the long email but I would really appreciate any help or advice you can offer. I need to give you some background to put my situation in context.   I’ve been married for fifteen years and before we got married I told my wife about my fetishes and for a long while she played along and indulged me. After some time though it became too much for her and to be fair I pushed too hard and she became worried that it would keep escalating until one day I would want a sex change. For the record, I enjoy dressing or being made to dress occasionally but enjoy being a man too and have no intention …

bridesmaid mistress goddess femdom

My job, or profession per se , is to give you the absolute most erotic, sensual, mind shattering two to four hours of your life.  To awaken senses within that have not been fully alive since you were a teenager and to induce an uncontrollable sensation of craving which forces you to submit to me and willingly offer me your heart and soul. The hardest part of what I do is not related to the time we are in session at all, but rather it is the time measured in days, weeks and months after the session trying to gently curb each gentleman’s passion and devotion to me.  Here we are a day removed from Valentine’s Day and I’ve just read my …

greatest shit story every told scat ass to mouth

I’m kind of torn whether I should respect the truly horrible things that happened to this guy and keep what happened between me and him or write the story for the simple fact that the events that transpired were truly unbelievable and a story like that has to be told. I was at The Comedy Club a couple of nights ago, having been invited by a Japanese friend that I went to school with oversees a long while ago, and though that venue wouldn’t have been my first choice to go to (or my 100th for that matter) it was really nice to go out with one of the last guys I can remember who was truly my friend and would never …

butt plug superhero

Everybody’s talking about my Butt Plug I got my butt plug.  I got my butt plug on. Everybody’s looking at my butt plug.  I got my butt plug.  I got my butt plug on. I’m the only one in town with a butt plug.  I got my butt plug.  I got my butt plug on. No one else around is wearing a butt plug.  I got my butt plug.  I got my butt plug on. I can swing my arms.  I can say I’m brave. I can dance down the street knowing I’m the only slave that’s wearing a butt plug. And I’m the only one.   That song sums up the perspective of all you guys who feel you’re …

femdom watersports jaa4u wael

So how can drinking piss knock someone out cold, unconscious, stiffer than Jimmy Hoffa?  The story behind that session is my personal favorite from this year but I’m going to rank it third so you guys get to read the two most sexy ones as numbers one and two.  This one was wasn’t sexy at all, but it could have made a good Three Stooges episode. What’s the recipe for such a disaster?  Well you need a hesitant guy first of all, one who pathologically insists that he just wants a little taste of pee, to the tune of 10 times per email … Hi, Supreme Goddess! I would have sent you a reply earlier but I was worried what …
