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Specific Stories About: 'Femdom Blog'
femdom stories jaa4u mistress wael

Femdom stories part 4 is a collection of the stories I wrote about the sessions I had in May – which I first posted on my Onlyfans Femdom Blog.   You can read Part 1 , Part 2 and Part 3 from March and April as they are already copy and pasted over to my jaa4u blog here. May was the month session volume exploded.  Finally.  For the first time in 2.5 years suddenly I was doing a bdsm session every single day almost. So there are a lot of stories.   Some are short.  Some are long. Remember I have to write in code on Onlyfans because they hate me so much.  So “femdom things” means I did a session.  “Feed …


Could I shit in 2 slave’s mouths in the same evening … given that I have problems shtting even once every 2-3 days? I wrote this as my onlyfans femdom story of the day with help from Mistress Jaa and one of my slaves … because when I post over there I have to have help dancing around what’s really going on as they don’t let me talk about Human Toilet Slavery. So we found a clever way to describe the crazy evening I had yesterday.  I will add at the end my notes about special things that happened but I couldn’t say on onlyfans’s shitty website.   Here’s the story of what happened :     You had …


This year has been … promising and yet it feels so fragile. I’m going to share with you some of my thoughts on what I do , our business model , and how things feel so tenuous , and what I’m doing to try and prevent a 2nd covid like period of desolation that may be on the horizon. Writing from the top of my head isn’t always a great idea , I have at any given time so many thoughts dancing around my head with regards to my business, femdom , customer’s behaviors and so on. Let’s see how this goes.     To understand my fears you should know a bit about our business model.  Yes this is …


I was going to get this blog post rolling by telling you all about what happened to Hans , but the way Mistress Wael wrote it is better (and funnier) than anything I could possibly describe for you.  It’s sitting in the queue right now to be posted tomorrow as we’re alternating and today it’s my turn to publish current events in our Femdom worlds.  So the next thing I was going to write about then was last nights face and body trampling session but I see Mistress Wael has written about that on her Onlyfans blog already.   All these ideas for material got immediately trumped by the set of unfortunate circumstances that happened on the way to dinner with my …


Femdom Stories Part 1 and Part 2 were posted last week.  This is part 3 … femdom story posts from my Onlyfans that I wrote from the middle of April until the 1st of May of this year 2022. I write 2-3 things a day.  If I had a session I write about it every time.  If I have a femdom idea I write about it. Let’s start with the black guy on my floor who fucks girls he brings home so loudly at 3:30am that the whole floor wakes up ….       April 16th, 2022 So Mistress Jaa is talking today on her  femdom blog about listening to two people on her floor fucking. I have …


Forced Bi – Accidentally , by Mistress Jaa Life must be a simulation.  Either that or there is some cosmic force that likes to align traps for me to fall into.  At any rate, some bigger force is having a great laugh at my expense. Look.  This “session gone wrong” wasn’t entirely my fault.  Ok , I admit, parts of it may have my fingerprints on it but overall I’d say it was just coincidence after coincidence. The reason I’m writing this story is to basically tell you that even though you might be submissive, and even though you are quite willing to hand over all control of what happens to you – to me …. you still have the …

shit feeding mistress jaa

I’ve had exactly four slaves this year actually follow through with eating my shit for the hefty price tag of 20,000 baht.   Every single one of them has consumed my entire load with nary a complaint nor a drop spilled !!! So take THAT – Mistress Wael and your carefully planned training regiment 🙂  Whereas your slaves develop into perfectly functioning toilets mine come fully functional right out of the box !! Obviously I’m just poking fun at her , she truly is awesome in the way she chooses to feed her slaves. However I do have something going for me that neither she nor any other Mistress in Asia or Europe has. I quite simply have THE hottest ass …

human toilet training

Talking about my Human Toilet Training method is easier because now I can show you with video what I’m doing  … and explain to you here why I’m doing it. Before you ask – What is level 1 ?  Maybe the better question to ask is “Why do I have different levels of human toilet training in the first place?”   So let’s start with that.   When you watch slave’s in scat videos … it is like you are watching a professional hockey or baseball player and thinking you can jump into the tv and do the exact same thing. You don’t see the years of practice.  The weight training.  The discipline.  You just think “oh he hit a home …


We use Gravity Forms for you guys to contact us , but since a few days ago it’s stopped working. So Wael and I are working on it … which is like 2 girls trying to fix an F1 Racecar’s engine by watching youtube videos. I’ve got NinjaForms to work but not Gravity so I might have to switch to a new service and spend the night and day tomorrow redesigning a new template.   Meanwhile, if you want to book a session whilst we’re fixing the problem I suggest you email us. Mistress Wael :  [email protected] Mistress Jaa : [email protected]   Shan’t be long.  I’ll have it fixed by the time the sun rises … just not sure on …

Mistress Wael femdom stories

Earlier I posted Part 1 of the Onlyfans femdom stories I wrote in the month of March , 2022.   This will be the stories copied over from the month of April.   Well the first half of April to start.  The stories are long.  And I posted every day because I had sessions every day. You see, the month of April was the time that sessions really started to come back from the dead.  So finally I had a chance to start writing about real sessions and not the videos I was shooting. I am only copy/pasting the femdom related stories.  The days where I’m talking about my life … I’m leaving out.   You can subscribe if you really want to …
