Femdom Blog

This is a copy of the post for Patreon subscribers that I just made a moment ago and appears below this one.

I see the problem.

With Substack, I was able to show you a preview of the post and I was able to control where the cutoff line was.

My Patreon wants me to pay to do what Substack let me do for free:  “Get Patron Pro Addon for more advanced locking methods.”

I’m looking for coupon codes that will reduce the cost … because I’m frugal lol.

So I’ll install that later, I’m so exhausted.  This was the first day without any of the devil-liquid Haloperidol injection floating around my blood stream and you know what?


I dug up about half a truck load of soil and transported it to my garden by wheelbarrow, lifting the huge sacks of dirt up and both tossing them on and lifting them off.

I carried about 100 thin concrete blocks and formed them into rectangles to enclose each part of the garden so all the vegetables will be separated.

Then I planted the watermelon, squash, carrot, grape, hot pepper, lettuce, cucumbers and tomato seeds into small pots.

I’d split each hour with 30 minutes doing gardening and the other 30 writing stories and getting Patreon up and running with the tiers and linked it to this blog.

Started at 5:30am and haven’t stopped for 12 hours straight.

There is NO WAY I could have done any of that if I was still on the injection.  Yesterday, or well – the past two days of resistance and making a stand I feel were monumental for me.

Just an absolute critical thing that I had to do – and ya, nobody’s talking to me, I’m a leper to them – again.  Talking about la familia of course.

Why can’t I have a family like Don Corleone, or even Tony Soprano – or a family like the one in Breaking Bad where the father nearly drowned one of his sons to teach them “familia es todo!”

So, I have to make them be better people.  That’s like asking me to make the upcoming Captain America movie without Captain America in it a good movie.

mirror mirror swapped webBut I have to work with what I got so … I went out and bought a full body mirror and put it outside the front of my house so they can see themselves in the mirror as they walk by.

It’s a subtle hint.  Will it work?  I dunno, probably not, but I have to try.

Like I said at length today on my Fanvue femdom blog – life is about mending fences, not breaking them.

Ok, enough banter.

Let me paste everything I wrote from the Patreon post below so you can see what I’m up to with this Patreon project.

This post is open for all to see … and I’m going to have to buy the damn add-on.

I need a nap, but what a day.  I haven’t had a day like this in 1/2 a year.  Just so much energy.

So this is what it feels like to be alive huh?





I finished setting up the tiers for my Patreon, so I’m almost ready to go live with this, I just need to learn how to split these posts so that a portion of this story any visitor to this blog can read, and then if this is anything like how Substack worked, there should be a line where I can put the remaining part of the post behind my $5 subscription tier on Patreon.

So if you’re new to the blog, let me get you up to speed with a tl:dr summary of what I’m doing here with me combining Patreon to my jaa4u.com femdom blog.

I mean, if it works.  I know how to write quite well and I know how to dominate men even better.  But doing anything technical like linking this site to Patreon and without anyone’s help, its basically a hope and pray strategy.


Honestly, I loved writing on Substack so much more than I do writing on Patreon.  The interface was WordPress just as this blog is and I instantly knew what I was doing.

I’d write and post and Substack would send out the story as a newsletter showing the first 10% of the post and the 90% thereafter behind the $5 paywall.

Trouble is, I’m Thai and physically located in the one country that Stripe – Substack’s payment processing option doesn’t trust.

Thus, I couldn’t get any subscribers because as soon as you’d try there would be an error message saying that the writer of the blog is in TH and fuck her, we don’t trust her kind.

I checked every single similar website and found every single one uses Stripe and then that’s when I turned to Patreon.

At least with Patreon I can and have set up tiers of membership, which are as follows.


Footstool Apprentice

$5 / month

22 members

Be the first to read pages and chapters of my books as I write them—your comments can help shape the final story! Plus, enjoy exclusive access to the full femdom blog stories I tease on jaa4u.com, my sexy photos, and videos from my YouTube channel. All for just $5/month.

What’s included

  • Read my books as I write them, chapter by chapter
  • Exclusive femdom blog stories from jaa4u.com
  • Chat with me whenever I’m on 🙂
  • My photos and videos in each story

and truly, this is where I expect 99% of those who want to support me and my writing will join, and that’s great.  There are two other tiers I set up that are for certain much rarer individuals, and you can go check those out on your own time if it scratches an itch to do so.

I’m not going to bother putting them here because honestly, those two tiers will apply to maybe 1% of those who follow me.

Ok for this test post, I’m going to put the cut off here – or at least that’s my intention to do so.  Below this I’m going to reveal another clue as to where I’ve hidden $100,000 dollars in the city.  lol, joking.

It’ll be uh, me in a bikini,  me checking out my boobs in a selfie video and hmm, let’s see what other quick content I can find for this test post.

Still with me?

Great, if you follow me on FanVue where I live the whole long day, or on Loyalfans where I drop in and visit every few hours, you’ve no doubt seen this video:

I get to finally be one of those YouTube content creators who say “go to my channel and hit that subscribe button

Only as your Mistress, I can command you to do so.  Go, do it now, I’ll wait.

Back so soon?  Well, it’s an up and coming channel – I have to get this Patreon step working and out of the way before I can fully focus on the YouTube side of things.

It’s going to be where I’m hosting my femdom stories and femdom podcasts as well as my “how to be an online Mistress” tutorial videos which, if done properly, will hit a niche that not one other person on the planet has hit.

That’s because only a handful of other Mistresses have tried to do what I’m doing with my blogs, novels and videos.

But even those who have, they don’t have the methodology that I have been using.

What they can do, and what I’m learning to do this year – is to promote themselves.  But I’m going to hire somebody to do that for me on a full-time basis.  (interested? email me)

What none of them do is use the techniques that I use – and I’m not revealing them for free that’s for sure.



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