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Specific Stories About: 'Femdom Related'

Two more of my long time submissive playmates graduated up from ass worship to pussy worship this month , woe unto them. For my pussy is the holy grail of all Asian pussy’s. I have this theory , and I may be way off on my speculation but it’s an accumulation of evidence spanning from how guys react to my pussy , to exploring ex boyfriends search history of porn , and seeing what they jack off to while I’m feigning sleep but squinting at them from beneath the sheets. Guys love forbidden young pussy. It’s not the main reason why I laser my pussy bush , I just happen to love the feel and look of my pussy being …

sensual low key photography bdsm session

Photographing a woman’s naked body is one of the most sensual activities a couple can share together. As even the most naive of my readers have picked up on lately , I’ve been in a rut since I decided not to move to Europe and further my studies back in April.  If you asked me back when the year started I’d have told you that the possibility of me remaining in Thailand coming May 1st was 0% , not a doubt in my mind.  So it’s come with no great surprise to me that I’ve been downright miserable finding myself walking these same old streets in May and June as people without a plan usually remain directionless in life. Luckily …

mistress manipulation femdom techniques in bdsm sessions

Dave just left my condo from our first date.  He thought it was a date, in reality it was just an experiment of mine.  Lately, these “mistress’s boyfriend for a day” sessions have been so amazing that I’ve started to wonder if the crazy suggestive techniques I use on my submissive harem of men would work equally well on a stranger who has no idea that I’m a Mistress – one talented in the art of Seduction.  So I thought it would be interesting for you guys to peek into my mind and relive with me what just went down over the past five hours on my “date.”  It’ll give you a glimpse I suppose at how my mind works, …

mistress girlfriend experience

I  haven’t been hiding the fact  I’ve been pretty damn lonely since returning back from Europe in January,  to the point where I’ve found myself doing something I’ve never done as a mistress at  any point in the last five years which is inviting somebody to stay longer. It wasn’t something I even planned to do , I just spontaneously blurted out after a rather nice session “if you liked it so much, why not stay and let me show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” I suppose I just wanted company,  the lonely side of my brain would justify such a request as being such.   But there’s been a growing devilish part of my personality that’s fully controlled …

cat stuck in tree

Is it my job to prevent you from committing any one of financial , emotional , or relationship suicide? In my opinion it shouldn’t be , but it is. My job is to seduce you like you’ve never been seduced before and while that may be just a word “seduce” it comes with as much destructive power as an atom bomb in terms of its effects on somebody who’s sessioned with me.  The after effects of a seduction are harmful if the person cannot contend with the wave of emotions encompassing the aftershock of such a session (try saying that five times fast).  But  I can’t scout for mental stability when we engage in discourse with all our pre-session emails …

Juice !

When seducing people be they a man or a woman, there is one ingredient that is ten times more powerful than catnip , that when used correctly can cause them to lose their sanity and melt where they sit. We’re talking about Pussy Juice here , specifically – the juice from my pussy.  The trick is , how to use it in a session and still retain the elusive qualities of a mistress?  Well the one thing I’ve noticed lately is that men absolutely cannot stand it when it’s someone else besides them that makes me wet between my legs , and on a couple of occasions I used that damming feeling to my advantage with great results.  Like a …


European Mistress.  umm … student.  European Student.  or how about European Mistress Student.  Whatever .. the writing is on the wall for both. Too busy to write lately.  Sorry. I have an agenda.  Timetable to get out of here and in my head all I hear is “tick tock , tick tock.”  Time slipping away. Applications to two universities arrived.  American University in Paris and one in Berlin.  Which I will choose I don’t know yet.  I’m applying to start studying in Europe in the summer.  Part time at first to see if I can survive.  Then full time next September. Meanwhile I am studying German like crazy every weekend here. Sorry this looks rough.  My old teacher who edits …

magical mistress femdom bdsm jaa4u bangkok

Sometimes the proof is in the pudding as they say. I offer … and deliver … magical nights.  Evenings that will forever change your world and give you an ever lasting memory.  It’s somehow , for some reason , the gift I was born with.     As for his last question. I don’t need to be called Mistress in the session or in email.  You can do it if it pleases you, I don’t mind.  But I know who I am.  I know what I am.  I don’t need you to affirm that to me. The url of the website has Jaa’s name in it. I tried once to use the name Pasaya but it created confusion.   I …

mirroring mistress bdsm femdom jaa4u

I learned mirroring accidentally from a teacher / psychiatric counselor back in prison (read: school) where I was quite a problem for the establishment enshrined with the job of protecting social order. I’m watching the life of Jaa’s son with eyes of jealousy and awe as he’s grown up in the sanctuary provided by International school , a shelter that I never had.  He’s in grade 7 now , the same grade that my rebellious side really started to expand and annoy people. So there I was in this counselor guy’s ugly lime green office , called down to discuss my recent threatening behaviour , right about this time – early September which for us was nearing the end of …

one finger orgasm cum femdom

My submissive pet screamed when I finally allowed him to cum after hours of perpetually stroking his dick with my one finger … while Wael’s submissive guy released his cum with nary a whimper earlier last Sunday.  This begat a bigger question , why such a difference in the way men finish when being tortured like this? The answer is in a tiny secret :  oil. Depending on the way we want you to finish the session , we’ll either use baby oil or we won’t , here’s why. Oil reduces friction , and friction is the lubricant men depend upon when looking for a great orgasm.  I’m talking about that rare orgasm you guys get when you shoot an …
