BDSM Blog Categories

Specific Stories About: 'Femdom Related'

Handling a submissive man should come naturally, as in it’s not something I think about doing , rather it’s just something I do when the time and place is right and I don’t give it much thought.  The man is simply required to do as I ask, when I ask, without question.  There’s really little regard for the slave’s wishes, desires or reservations … he simply ‘does’. The thrill of it for the slave is that the “doing” may be called upon by me at any time or any place.  In fact, we could be out for hours and acting in a very normal manner, the way most dates in the world go about happening.  Then after a bit of …

Scent of a Mistress

“You have a unique smell to you Mistress” he said as he cleared his throat, his voice as scratchy as a pair of wool socks.  I wanted to heave my plastic bottle of green tea at his head for saying that but instead I just glared until he took the hint.  “I only meant having seen you this many times that even as a blind man I could know if you had walked into a room just by your Mistress smell” he continued all the while looking at me with a daring eye. “So I have a Mistress smell , do we all have such a smell that attracts submissive men like I am to a man as catnip is to …

poop scat shit jaa4u

“I want to eat your shit Mistress” To which I say, “I really don’t care what you want” and if you cannot understand the esoteric subtleties of why that is perhaps you belong where you are , curled up on your bed with one hand on your dick and your other hand on your mouse clicking from one Brazilian scat porn clip to another. Being under my ass is a privilege not a right, one that is earned slowly over time and is granted to you only after I have made you become so far in love with me that you have proven to do anything that I ask of you except the greatest show of devotion.  We may be …

facesitting facesit

  Well it finally happened, we had a guy pass out from his FaceSitting session.  I guess it had to happen sooner or later as I’ve been catching on to the cheating games you guys play while down there and like a good repair girl, I’ve been plugging all the holes in the dam until finally there were no more holes to patch.  By that I mean, there are 3 types of cheaters that I’ve come to recognize, each playing his own game of self preservation while under my ass. There’s the guy who turns his head slightly to one side as I sit on him allowing him to breathe partially out of either side of the nostril he chose …

Tease & Denial jaa4u

What if, in your Tease & Denial session, we took the onus of controlling your ejaculation out of my hands and put it instead into yours?  Mistress Wael’s Tease & Denial game “20” is going to train you to have such lasting power that the next time you bang your wife or girlfriend she’s gonna feel hotter than a freshly fucked fox in a forest. I’ve adopted the game into some of my Tease & Denial sessions, but credit has to go to her for not just playing the game but perfecting it to the point where guys routinely scream or cry and ladders are needed to get the cum off the ceiling.  Now the screaming, that comes from the orgasm part …

What would make my Cross Dressing whore want to eat Apple Sauce for a week? It’s not that he wants to eat Apple Sauce – he actually hates the taste of it.  Nope, the truth is, he has to eat Apple Sauce and of all his fantasies of being forced to do things in his session he never considered that he’d have to force himself to eat baby food for a week. Wii is a 31 year old Asian boy who without his glasses looks like he could climb into a Bruce Lee movie, and with his glasses looks every bit like the database programmer he is.  The only thing that gets him through his days is the feel of the …

As I write this, there is a guy getting more psychological domination than he bargained for, and it’s because he knowingly was in on a scheme to trick me.  He … well he is getting exactly what he asked for : I prefer more of a humiliation and psychological domination , embarrassment, etc. And she, his Hong Kong mistress is gonna get a taste of her own blackmail so i’m gonna let the psychological domination that he so desperately wanted continue on for a few more hours, and he can buy a new ticket and fly home whenever we decide to release him.  A bit too extreme?  Ya maybe, but i have one hell of an imagination and when it’s unleashed on someone who betrayed my …

sofa ball

A GFE (Girlfriend Experience) is something that I think only exists in Thailand and though very few of the working girls in city are smart enough to call it by name it is in fact what they are offering as a service without them even recognizing it because of their stupidity.  So before explaining to you the question most asked to me in emails, “what is your mgfe session like?” i should first explain just what exactly what the Isaan version has made it to be.       A GFE is a girl that you can take with you 24 hours a day and not only will she clean your place, put toothpaste on your brush, and lay out …

Rape Session | As Real As It Gets

The rape session began in the hotel lobby which was loud with a drunken group of Japanese tourists waiting at the lift before me.  Too many, too dangerous I thought and then laughed at the irony that the two of us were pretending to be just as dangerous as them. Junior Mistress Wael had silently said as much walking far behind me to avoid them.  I had counted 10 of them staggering into the lift and holding the door open for me as if to politely invite me to get raped willingly.  We instead waited for the next elevator which arrived and spilled out 5 more Japanese guys making me think that somehow the taxi had dropped me off in little …

massage tease opens in google +

Mistress Wael will be doing my sessions this week as I am on vacation from Tuesday June 2nd to Friday June 5th inclusive as I continue on my 2015 world tour of Indonesia and Turkey next month. Wael’s bdsm session is at a reduced rate while I’m gone, so from the 2nd to the 5th you can see her for 5,000. Her specialty session is her Tease & Denial Massage session.  It doesn’t involve bdsm at all, it is you and her and the 2 hours you have to survive her Tease & Denial edging.   Tease & Denial Oil Massage 2 hours : 4,000 baht   You can either try her Tease & Denial straight massage which is agonizingly …
